The Way Forward: Bridging the gap on nature from COP26 to COP15
COP26 Joint High Level Event of the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, Global Ocean Alliance and Leaders Pledge for Nature
3rd of November at 9:30 am at the GEF-GCF Pavilion
Joint HAC for N&P/GOA/LPN High Level Side Event at COP26 Draft concept note
Date and time, location, duration: 3rd November - 9:30-10:30 AM, GEF Pavilion
Event title: The Way Forward: Bridging the gap on nature from COP26 to COP15
Hosted by: The governments of Costa Rica (in their role as HAC for N&P co-chair and a member of the LPN core group), France (in their role as HAC for N&P co-chair and a member of the LPN core group), and the UK (in their role as HAC for N&P Ocean co-chair/GOA chair and a member of the LPN core group)
President Carlos Alvarado Quesada (Costa Rica)
President Sebastián Piñera (Chile)
Rt Hon Lord Goldsmith (UK)
H.E. Mariam Bint Mohammed Almheiri (UAE)
H.E. Mr. Yutaka Shoda (Japan)
H.E. Andrea Meza (Costa Rica)
H.E. Pearnell Charles (Jamaica)
Carlos Manuel Rodriguez (CEO of the GEF)
Hindou Ibrahim (President of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad AFPAT)
Aileen Lee (Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation)
Enric Sala (National Geographic)
A panel discussion moderated by H.E. Andrea Meza, Minister of Environment of Costa Rica with panellists seated on stage and others in the front row of the seating area. We propose asking panellists to prepare answers for a handful of questions which in turn will form the basis of the conversation.
The natural world is disappearing at an unprecedented rate. One million plant and animal species face extinction. The biggest driver behind the global decline in nature is land and sea use change. Climate change is not only a direct driver of nature loss, it is also exacerbating the impact of other drivers. This complex interplay between climate change, species and ecosystems offers an opportunity to maximise the synergies between them and design mutually supportive policies which drive action from the global to the local scale. By conserving and restoring nature that sequesters high volumes of carbon we can lower risk to species and ecosystems and help avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
Evidence shows that protecting at least 30% of the land and of the ocean globally would not only help to reverse adverse ecological impacts and help reduce species extinction risk but will also increase resilience and adaptation to climate change, and serves as a good example of a nature-based solution/ecosystem-based approach.
COP26 represents a key opportunity in the lead up to COP15 and the coalitions must capitalize on the synergies between the climate and biodiversity agenda and demonstrate the political appetite for ambitious outcomes, including the central roles and rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.
Joint HAC for N&P/GOA/LPN work
In August 2021, at the PreCOP of the CBD hosted by Colombia, the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People (HAC for N&P), the Global Ocean Alliance (GOA) and the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature (LPN) came together and presented a joint statement. Through this, members of the coalitions stated their determination to work together towards CBD COP15 to translate joint commitments into concrete agreements and ambition in the Global Biodiversity Framework in order to ensure transformative action on the ground and to find constructive solutions to overcome divergences in the negotiation process.
Following the joint statement, the LPN Core Group and the co-chairs of the HAC for N&P and GOA worked together to deliver the UNGA High-level event “Transformative Action for Nature & People.” The co-hosts of this event advocated further work between the 3 coalitions, including a joint event to further define potential for joint work – this side event seeks to deliver on this proposed next step.
Demonstrate high-level commitment to maintain momentum on ambitious action on nature between COP26 to COP15, including by joining forces across the HAC for N&P, the GOA and the LPN.
Guiding questions
What opportunities do you envisage for driving an integrated approach to achieving global aims for nature and climate?
What are the key priorities your country/organisation feel are crucial in the lead up to COP15 for action on nature?
What specific actions on nature is your country/organisation planning to take in the lead up to COP15?
Where do you think a joint approach across the HAC for N&P, the GOA and the LPN, would add the most value, and what specific actions do you think the 3 coalitions should take to deliver the priorities in the joint statement?